EMCoS Studio 2021 Release Highlights

Major Highlights
● Hybrid MTL/3D PEEC Solution for PCBs with Housings and Cables in 3D Environment
● Automated Generation of Complex PCB Models with EMCoS PCBNgn
● New Features in PCB Data Import and Processing
● EM and High Frequency Solutions
● New CAD and Meshing Operations in EMCoS Studio and ReMesh
● New Features in Model Handling Operations
● New Features in System Simulation
● 3D Transfer Impedance Simulations of Braided Shield Structures in Virtual Triaxial Setup
● EMCoS CM Choke Designer New Features and Improvements
● EMCoS SimDAT New Features and Improvements
Hybrid MTL/3D PEEC Solution for PCBs with Housings and Cables in 3D Environment
Extended Modeling Features and Optimizations
Support of finite/infinite dielectric substrates together with infinite PEC ground
Up to 10x times faster solution in PEEC 3D solver (FAS – Fast Approximate Solution) for very complex PCB models
Optimized multiport simulations and circuit pre-processing stage in TSReady solver
Parallel construction of circuit topology to handle large subcircuits generated by 3D PEEC calculation in TSReady solver
Reuse existing 3D PEEC data option in task settings
Support of frequency-dependent data for cables conductor and insulation materials in Hybrid MTL solver
Handling of K and C Coupling Coefficients in 3D PEEC Equivalent Circuit
New task settings to handle K and C coupling coefficients in 3D PEEC equivalent circuit (Disable/Enable/Threshold/Unconnected parts)
Support of new Coupling Sets for handling of K and C coupling coefficients between particular parts of the model in resulting 3D PEEC equivalent circuit
Separate Partition Size definition for Coupling Sets
Functional mode for Coupling Sets to replace parasitic RLCG elements with ideal connections
Functional Scheme Analysis
New Tools for Automated Model Construction Procedure
Automatic generation of PEEC pins and connectors for PCB object linked to PCBNgn project
Automatic generation of PEEC pins and connectors on PCB footprints during ODB++ import
Automatic generation of Circuit Elements with empty subcircuit section in Circuit Elements Library during ODB++ import
Automatic placement of Circuit Elements with empty subcircuit section in Connectors generated for PCB footprint during ODB++ import
Synchronized selection of pins in Viewer 3D and System Diagram
Copy PEEC pins to the nearest or selected geometry

Automated Generation of Complex PCB Models with EMCoS PCBNgn
New Triangular Adaptive Mesh generation algorithm allows to automatically obtain accurate mesh for very complex PCB models without intersections and discontinuities with a minimal number of triangles
Definition of adaptive mesh sizes for each PCB layer independently
Alternative mode for generation of triangulated vias
Handling of vias shape and radius in generated mesh model
Highlighting of PCB components and color handling
New pick and polygon selection modes for PCB objects
New options for enabling/disabling nets and components
Possibility to delete PCB features and nets
Possibility to rename nets, components and ports
Support of drills loading |

Improvements in PCB Data Import from ODB++
PCB footprints configuration with parts / packages information from Stackup Editor
Import of pre-defined PCB footprints and parts / packages configuration file
Automatic generation of PEEC pins and connectors for PCB footprints with reference to circuit elements created based on chosen component parts
Automatic placement of generated PEEC pins and connectors in model assembly
Saving stackup information to log file |

EM and High Frequency Solutions
EM full-wave solution for triangular, quadrilateral and mixed (triangular and quadrilateral) meshes
Ports are supported in multipartition calculations in basis layers
Separate decomposition in FDS solver based on geometry objects
Layered dielectric objects in HF3D simulations
Time Domain in HF3D simulations |

New CAD and Meshing Operations
Mesh generation based on ACIS libraries
New advanced meshing options (Gradation of Mesh, Axisymmetry Part Along Edge)
New specialized function Generate Tape Wrap for automatic generation of 3D mesh model for wrapped shielded cables
Quadrilateral mesh support and computational model generation
Support operations as import, translate, remesh, split, make quads and etc. for quad elements
Split Deviated Quadrilaterals and Bordure Mesh support for quad elements in ReMesh
Improved performance of meshing and progressive mesh functions in ReMesh |

New Features and Improvements in Model Handling
Support of geometry healing operations during KBL data import
Import of Cables Library Parts with related Materials and Shields information from XML format
Support of single and fiber cable parts definition with rectangular shape
Support of horizontal and vertical orientation for ribbon cable parts
Hybrid cables, connectors and clamp devices can be now added to model assembly for flexible multi task configuration and data transferring between the projects
Import/export model assemblies with corresponding circuitry. Schematic devices and circuitry logically connected to connectors in System Diagram can be included in Model Assembly during import/export operations
Redesigned Cut Plane with possibility to handle planes with arrow keys, viewer handler or slider
Support of transformation operations for observation objects
Rectangle and polygon selection modes are now supported for model objects (PEEC pins, branches, connections, ports, loads, sources and connectors)
Possibility to control tasks execution order in a batch mode
New option to save project history in log file |

New Features and Improvements in System Simulation
Support of Task Diagrams in Multi Task projects for Cables Simulation Analysis Type
Improved import of Device Templates from Device Templates Library
Pins mapping configuration between library template and schematic connector on device template import
Extension of Assign Circuit > Internally/Externally commands with Ports and Junctions
New command Connect Pins > Internally/Externally
Align and distribute schematic devices and connectors
Behavioral voltage and current sources support in TSReady solver
Diagnostics of problems in circuit topology in TSReady solver
New option to replace small resistances by small inductances in grounding/short connections
Extended Circuit Elements Library with Artificial Networks and non-ideal LC elements
Possibility to import multiple selected subcircuit/model files from one directory
Possibility to create custom circuit elements based on multiple selected subcircuits/models
Regrouping and reordering of circuit elements and groups using drag-and-drop operations |

3D Transfer Impedance Simulations of Braided and Multilayered Shield Structures in Virtual Triaxial Setup
With new ZT3D solver in EMCoS TIC user has possibility to reconstruct 3D structure of a braided shield based on defined shield parameters and perform 3D simulations. In order to take into account non-uniform structure of a braided shield, it is also possible to define 3D structure from an external geometry file (*.nas).
3D transfer impedance simulations of regular and non-regular braided shield structures
Automatic reconstruction of 3D shield structure from shield parameters
3D shield structure definition from external geometry file
Automatic generation of different carriers braiding modes (Two Layers: No Crossing, Single Crossing, Double Crossing; One Layer: Clockwise, CounterClockwise)
Support of plating material for shields and filaments definition
Support of circular and elliptical filaments shape
Support of C-leakage calculation for braided shields |

EMCoS CM Choke Designer New Features and Improvements
Generation of choke 3D model in SAT file format based on CM Choke Designer project
3D model generated from CM Choke Designer contains analytical surfaces for representation of choke, plastic case and windings geometry as well as windings path curves
Validation of 3D model to detect collision between winding turns
New Winding Turns dialog for advanced handling of winding turns and definition of custom inner and outer angles
Importing and exporting winding turns data |

EMCoS SimDAT New Features and Improvements
New option to perform multiplication on source spectrum for TriD/LFMF output files
Linear plot point-based curves data approximation with rational polynomials
Visualization of Impressed Currents, NFS and Radiation Pattern Source Distribution together with Currents, Charges and Fields Distribution
Improvements and optimizations in FFTWerk
Optimizations of curves drawing for large signals
Access to View/Edit Data dialog for reference curves
Merge functionality for range-based and point-based curves
Improved import/export data procedure
Save last used settings in ASCII Data Import Settings dialog
New features and improvements in EMCPad editor
Extension of output reading functions in EMScript> |
